Happy Prompt Day! Prompt #1: Best News Ever You (or your character) has received the best news he/she/you could possibly imagine. What is it and ….
Tag: writing prompts
Prompt #1: Art, Interrupted Write a story about a character who is trying to create art but is constantly interrupted. Prompt #2: Kiss Me and ….
Happy Prompt Day! Prompt #1: All Grownups, All The Time Write about an adult gathering, from the point of view of a kid. Prompt #2: ….
Happy Prompt Day everyone! Prompt #1: What’s Your Thing?: What are you passionate about? Prompt #2: Well, That Was Awkward: The most embarrassing thing imaginable ….
Happy Prompt Day!! Prompt #1: What the What?! While on a hike with some friends, you character stumbles into something amazing…awe inspiring…terrifying! What happens next? ….
Week 9 already? Ya sure, ya betcha! Happy Prompt Day! Prompt 1: Yum! Wax poetic about your favorite type or dish of food. Prompt 2: ….
Is it Prompt Day again? It IS! Happy creating! Your choices: Prompt 1: That Might Have Been a Bad Idea You (or your character) wakes ….
Welcome to week 7! Happy Prompt Day! Your choices this week: Prompt 1: Free Fallin’ Your character is the sole survivor of an airplane crash. ….
We’re on week 6! Woooot! Happy Prompt Day! Prompt 1: A Mythtery! Write a mystery, involving a camera, a doctor, and a tasty snack of ….
It’s definitely that day again. Happy Prompt Day! Prompt 1: Eureka! Your character learns something, which changes his/her whole life. Prompt 2: Outbreak! A mysterious, ….